The Solstice Fire Festivals in the Pyrenees: Constructing a Didactic Programme for Formal Education along with the Educational and Bearer Communities, by Anna Solé, Marc Ballesté, Sofia Isus and Ares Fernández (2021)

In 2015, UNESCO inscribed the summer solstice fire festivals in the Pyrenees on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. A few years later, a didactic programme was launched to incorporate the tradition into formal education, designed and developed in collaboration with the bearer and educational communities. Specifically, to accomplish the project, both collectives priorly analyzed and validated the proposal through field work, discussion groups, and qualitative and quantitative methods. The results demonstrated the need for cross-disciplinary materials designed to incorporate the festivals into formal education, the benefits of involving the bearer and educational communities in an initiative of these characteristics, and the usefulness of the project for the valorization of ICH and the imparting of curricular contents. 
Ballesté, M.; Solé-Llussà, A.; Isus, S.; Fernández, A. The Solstice Fire Festivals in the Pyrenees: Constructing a Didactic Programme for Formal Education along with the Educational and Bearer Communities. Heritage 20225, 2519-2533.

XXIV EDUTEC International Congress. Video as support for the scientific process in an interdisciplinary project, by Anna Solé, Marc Ballesté, Manel Ibáñez, David Aguilar and Paula Pla (2021)

This proposal envisages the use of video, as a didactic strategy, to guide the scientific research process in Primary Education (school), within the field of Physical Education.

In the XXIV EDUTEC International Congress, Dr. Anna Solé Llussà, Dr. Marc Ballesté Escorihuela, Dr. Manel Ibañez, Dr. David Aguilar and Paula Pla, presented: “The video as a support for the scientific research process in a school interdisciplinary project”.

IV International Fires of the Mediterranean Symposium. Salvaguardant les Festes del foc dels solsticis als Pirineus: estat de la qüestió i proposta didàctica, by Marc Ballesté and Sofia Isus (2019)

In 2019, the IV International Fires of the Mediterranean Symposium was held, and analysed fire and its symbology. On the other hand, and after a few years of the UNESCO declaration, it was clear how these recognitions impact on the different festivities and whether they serve to consolidate and preserve the festival model or whether they entail issues that had not previously been anticipated. It is also involved within the associative tissue, which contributes to its practice in maintaining tradition and safeguarding the different parties of fire. The Symposium was structured in three areas: the safeguarding and recognition of the festivities of fire, the investigations carried out in recent years around these festivities and the sharing of the festival with various groups.

In the IV International Fires of the Mediterranean Symposium, Dr. Marc Ballesté Escorihuela and Dr. Sofia Isus Barado presented: “safeguarding the Fire Feasts of the Solstice in the Pyrenees”.

X Transpyrenean Studies Colloquium. Falles, Haros i Brandons: del reconeixement de la UNESCO a la salvaguarda, by Marcel·la Andreu, Marc Ballesté, Laia Giraly and Sofia Isus (2017)

The contribution presented in the Colloquium is evidence of the safeguard model being driven from the Chair of Education and Immaterial Heritage of the Pyrenees (CEPIP), which is based on UNESCO’s analysis of good practices and focuses on historical research, the transfer of knowledge through formal and non-formal education, as well as, in the promotion and access to heritage and the commercial activities that arise from those.

In 2017, at the X Transpyrenean Studies Colloquium, Marcela Andreu, Dr. Marc Ballesté, Dra. Laia Girally and Dra. Sofia Isus, presented: “Falles, Haros and Brandons: from UNESCO’s recognition to safeguarding”.

X Transpyrenean Studies Colloquium. La Casa de l'Os Bru dels Pirineus, un vehicle per l'educació ambiental del futur, by Sofia Isus and Manel Ibáñez (2017)

The services and benefits provided by wildernesses are essential for our society. In the educational action of the PirosLife program, and linked to the House of the Brown Bear of the Pyrenees, an educational project was developed by a team led by the University of Lleida to provide information, experiences and knowledge about life in the Pyrenees natural spaces to the girls and boys of the mountain regions. The House of the Brown Bear of the Pyrenees, therefore, becomes essential to develop training programs for teachers and students, supplemented by didactic proposals.

In 2017, at the X Transpyrenean Studies Colloquium, Dr. Sofia Isus and Dr. Manuel Ibáñez, presented: “The House of the Brown Bear of the Pyrenees, a vehicle for the environmental education of the future.”

II International Fires of the Mediterranean Symposium. Proposta de model de salvaguarda dedicat a les falles, haros, halhes i brandons, by Marc Ballesté, Laia Giralt and Sofia Isus (2017)

In 2017, Reus hosted the II International Fires of the Mediterranean Symposium, which made the rich immaterial heritage around fire worth its living, with common festive customs throughout Mediterranean countries. It was divided into three major axes: the fire at the winter parties (from Christmas to the Falles of St. Joseph), Sant Antoni as the central party of the winter cycle and a third section that was open to continue to discuss the festivities with fire held for the rest of the year. Several reports were collected on the Flama of the Canigó, the lights of Sant Jaume of Lleida, the Cremada del Dimoni de Badalona and the celebration of Sant Joan around Luishon.

Fire as a medium of communication in the 21st century was also one of the topics to be addressed, especially through the manual of good practice to keep the Falles as an Intangible Heritage of Humanity. In specific, here you can read the proposal made by Dr. Marc Ballesté, Dr. Laia Giralt and Dr. Sofia Isus.

Preface by Sofia Isus in the book Fia-faia. La festa de falles nadalenca, by Xavier Pedrals and Manel Escobet (2017)

Among all the fire festivities of the Pyrenees, the Fia-faia stands out because it is celebrated the day of the winter solstice, that is, Christmas Eve. It is a tradition that has been preserved for centuries in the villages of Bagà and Sant Julià de Cerdanyola (Berguedà) and, apart from being included in the UNESCO’s candidacy, the Generalitat de Catalunya classified it as a Patrimonial Festivity of National Interest.

In July 2017, Xavier Pedrals and Manel Escobet presented the book Fia-faia. La festa de falles nadalenca (Fia-faia. Christmas Falles Festivity), which has a preface written by Sofia Isus, director of the Chair.