I Scientific day of the Chair of Education and Intangible Heritage of the Pyrenees

On 13 September 2019, at the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Social Work of the University of Lleida, the first scientific day of the Chair of Education and Intangible Heritage of the Pyrenees took place. The organization of this seminar raised many questions around the festivities of the fire, as following the recognition by UNESCO, the festivities of the fire have been recovered or introduced in many municipalities in the Pyrenees, which have taken advantage of the festivities of Falles, Haros, Halhas and Brandons. This program was made within the framework of the project “Design and implementation of a model of safeguard for the Festes del Foc del Solstici d’Estiu al Pirineus“, granted by the Cultural Institute of the Ministry of Culture and Sport. 

Here you can find the program of the Scientific Day of the Chair and then photos of its celebration.

Safeguard Model for the Festivity of Falles, Haros & Brandons

The positive resolution by UNESCO regarding the incorporation of the Fire Festivities of the Summer Solstice in the Pyrenees to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity granted an international recognition to the tradition. Now, however, it is necessary to safeguard it, in other words, keep it alive without reducing its function or social value. That is why the chair is working on the development of a model that establishes guidelines for the sustainable conservation of the Fallas, Haros, Halhes and Brandons. 

II International Symposium Focs festius a la Mediterrània, held in Reus on May the 26th, 27th and 28th, 2017.
X International Colloquium on Trans-Pyrenean Studies, held in Queralbs on the 29th and 30th of September 2017.
I INDEST International Congress. Social and Territorial Development, held in Lleida on the 23th and 24th of November 2017.

Gaial Project

GAIAL is a technical and training project of rural development, which was created with the aim of activating the territory and, therefore, sustainable and posible. It is about generating entrepreneurs in an area of high mountains where it is difficult to establish a young population. It implies the recovery / implantation of suitable farming to enable the use of abandoned agricultural areas -creation of processed agricultural products. Economic, environmental and social sustainability is the key factor in this project.


In December 2015, UNESCO incorporated the Festes del Foc del Solstici d’Estiu in the Pyrenees” into the representative list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Every year, several events have been held to commemorate it.


On the occasion of the first anniversary of the declaration by UNESCO, in December 2017, the exhibition “Focs de les Festes del Solstici d’Estiu als Pirineus” was promoted at the UdL Culture Centre.


El desembre del 2018 es va dur a terme la presentació del llibre Roda el foc” d’Albert RoigTambé es va participar al Concert dedicat a les falles del Pirineu, enmarcat en la Temporada musical de la UdL.


In December 2019, the permanent installation of falles, located in the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Social Work (FEPTS) of the UdL was inaugurated.


Collection of sources of information and content that you may find interesting about Falles, Haros & Brandons


We have prepared a list of all the books and works that may interest you related to the world of Falles and our projects.


You will find a handful of audiovisual pieces related to Falles, Haros & Brandons. From celebrations to project presentations.


It is an initiative of the Cultural Association of Fallaires Municipal Entities and Municipal Entities of the Pyrenees, as well as of the set of villages listed on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, which has as its main objective the promotion of the festival and the cohesion of the community. The Chair of Education and Intangible Heritage of the Pyrenees assumed their development and distribution.


Discover the calendar from 2017. 


Discover the calendar from 2018. 


Discover the calendar from 2019.