The Prometheus project on falles receives a European grant of 670,000 euros

The UdL Chair of Education and Intangible Heritage of the Pyrenees, which is the driving force, together with seven other partners, will create a virtual museum of the fallaire world

The Programming Committee of the INTERREG VA Spain-France-Andorra Program (POCTEFA) 2014-2020, meeting in Jaca, resolved on October 15 to subsidize the Prometheus project (Festes del foc dels solsticis del Pirineu) presented by the Chair of Education and Intangible Heritage of the Pyrenees of the University of Lleida (UdL) with  670,344.42€, corresponding to 65% of the total cost, which is 1,045,729.10€.

One of the main actions of the project, which lasts two years, will be the creation of a virtual museum about the Fallaire world. This is part of a set of five actions dedicated to the dissemination of the fallas and their enhancement, apart from research, the marking of Fallair towns and the development of pedagogical materials, among others.

Prometheus is made up of eight partners: the UdL’s Chair of Education and Intangible Heritage of the Pyrenees, which is the main one; the universities of Barcelona and Perpignan Via Domitia; the International Center of Recherche et Documentation Occitanes – Occitan Culture Institute; the Department of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia; the Government of Andorra; the Conselh Generau d’Aran, and the Economic Promotion Board of the Lleida County Council.

In this call, which was the last of the POCTEFA 2014-2020 projects, 74 candidates were presented, of which 43 have been selected. POCTEFA is a European cross-border territorial cooperation program created to promote sustainable development between Spain, France and Andorra, and to reinforce economic and social integration.